Why connect? We believe when people participate in ministry together through Connection Groups and volunteer opportunities, exciting things happen! That’s why we invite you and your family to connect with us at The Bridge Community Church.
Why connect? We believe when people participate in ministry together through Connection Groups and volunteer opportunities, exciting things happen! That’s why we invite you and your family to connect with us at The Bridge Community Church.
Co-Ed Learning Groups
This 6-week course teaches participants about the biblical nature and purpose of the church as the body of Christ and the importance of each member’s unique contribution. Participants will identify their Spiritual Gifts (“what” you are quipped to do spiritually), Personal Style (“how” you can best serve to serve authentically) and Ministry Passion (“where” you’re motivated to serve enthusiastically).
DETAILS: Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 PM, Connection Center BEGINS: August 21st
LEADERS: Dr. Greg and Pastor Lisa Hackett
EMAIL: pastorgreg@bridge4life.com or pastorlisa@bridge4life.com
Our mission is for each member to have a greater understanding of the 3rd person of the Trinity, the counselor, guide and in praying God’s perfect will in any situation.
DETAILS: Sunday's during your preffered service in the Connection Center
BEGINS: January 19th and lasts 3 weeks. Classes offered often as sign ups come in.
LEADERS: Phyllis Judd
EMAIL: pcjudd@comcast.net
The Bible is a book to be cherished, not feared or intimidated by. In this series, we will explore the complex beauty of God's word. This study will be a back-to-basics study of the Bible. We will give an overview of the books of the Bible and their literary formats with time for fun, fellowship, and prayer.
DETAILS: Mondays 6:00-7:30pm, Connection Center
LEADERS: Christy Wentz & Jacob Snuffer
EMAIL: christywentz@eathlink.new or jacobsnuffer2218@gmail.com
The coming Golden Age by Dr. David Jeremiah guides you on a fascinating tour of the various aspects of the millennial reign of Christ.
DETAILS: Thursday evenings 7:00-9:00pm
LOCATION: CC Conference Room
LEADER: John & Debbie Elmore
CONTACT: jelmore20@comcast.net
We’re a small group living life together as we study God’s word. Join us for an 8 week study of John’s three letters (1,2 &3 John) with Dr. Troy Evans as he challenges us not to comfortable or complacent in our faith.
DETAILS: Wednesdays, 7:00 PM at our home in Remington
LEADERS: James and Nancy Kincheloe
EMAIL: nkincheloe@comcast.net
Join us as we enjoy every chapter and verse of the first four books of the New Testament in a fun environment. The goal is to discover new details about our amazing Jesus and His journey each week. All you need is a Bible and a desire to take your biblical studies to a new level.
DETAILS: Thursdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Connection Center-Underground
LEADER: Dr. Carlos E. Rios
EMAIL: fromthegospels@gmail.com
Join me through Zoom on Sundays. This 3-week class will introduce you to The Bridge. You’ll learn the history of our church, what we believe, information about connection groups, water baptism, and more. Email Pastor Lisa to receive the link.
DETAILS: Sundays at 12pm in the cafe
LEADER: Pastor Lisa Hackett
EMAIL: pastorlisa@bridge4life.com
A group focused on boldly standing on the word of God and ministering healing to those in need.
DETAILS: Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Warrenton, VA
BEGINS: Old Town Warrenton, VA
LEADERS: Elijah and Lindsay Dean
CONTACT: elijahdean9@gmail.com
Join us as we journey through the book of Ephesians and discover new insight in your faith.
DETAILS: Tuesdays 10:00 -11:30 AM, Connection Center
LEADERS: Tom and Judy Moore
EMAIL: magpastor@aol.com
Our heart behind this group is to foster a close-knit community of believers that are meaningfully involved in each other’s lives! We gather weekly for food, fellowship time, and a guided Bible discussion through the book of James!
DETAILS: Tuesdays, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, Ministry Center Cafe
LEADERS: Peter and Jennifer Stauffer EMAIL: jenniferann312@gmail.com
Going Deep is a Bible study for those interested in developing a deeper understanding of the Scriptures than just foundational truths. We usually study by topic. Great spiritual fellowship is developed at the same time. For couples and singles 18 years old and above.
DETAILS: Wednesdays, 6:45PM - 8:15 PM, Connection Center
LEADERS: Kevin and Cate Schreiner
EMAIL: mcken709@aol.com or mkdkschreiner@aol.com
Join us as we study the book of Acts with food, fellowship and prayer. We aim to practice the tenets of the early church; teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. We hope the Holy Spirit inspires passion like the early church had, when they turned the world upside down.
DETAILS: First Wednesdays 6:45 @ John Marshall Library, 3rd Wednesdays 6:00PM Fosters Grill in Marshall Starts Aug. 21st.
LEADERS: Paul and Diane Turner
EMAIL: turners242@gmail.com or dturners242@gmail.com
Testimonies are a testament that Jesus is working in our lives and still answers prayers again and again, not only for His people, but also for the lost and broken hearted. An opportunity to share your testimony and learn how to share your testimony.
DETAILS: First Thursdays of the month, 6:30-7:45
EMAIL: jojow007@aol.com
Learning Groups For Women:
To understand the relationship we have with food and see how God can help break unhealthy cycles.
DETAILS: Every other Monday at 7:00PM in the Connection Center
LEADER: Melinda James
EMAIL: melindajames71@gmail.com
Join us along with Lauren Chandler in this 7-session , in-depth study of the Book of Numbers and God's people. Discover how even when the Isarelites rebelled, God's love and promises remained. It's in that love and those promises the children of Israel found their identity and this is where we can find ours.
DETAILS: Every other Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Connection Center, large conference room.
BEGINS: January 21st
LEADERS: Robin Smith and Sally Small
EMAIL: robinasmith@gmail.com ; sallysmall4writing@gmail.com
PART 1 - You’re invited to a study called “Ten Women Without Options”, which covers the beautiful narratives of the Old Testament women who experienced God’s intervention and grace from Hagar to Esther.We may discover that we have much in common with them! What will be our “Takeaways”? Practical down to earth insights into how God’s Grace can impact our everyday lives as we relate to these women of long ago. A timeline approach to understanding Old Testament history. Insight into Christ in the Old Testament. He’s everywhere! A hard look at the “justice of God” issue, “How could a loving God wipe out a whole people group?” a question which comes up so often in our post Christian world. These stories heavily address this issue.
PART 2 - In this study called “What Jesus really thought of Women” we will address the cultural lie that Christianity puts women down. (Your daughters will probably need this information) We will explore Jesus’ interaction with the women in His world, showing how he turned the culture of his day “right side up”, giving women dignity and worth.If there is interest, we can go on to a study on Paul’s controversial writings on women, as well as the New Testament record of women in ministry. All is deeply informed by the Assemblies of God position papers on these issues.
DETAILS: Monday at 7:00PM-9:00 PM in the Connection Center
LEADER: Rose Karjala
EMAIL: rose@karjala.us
In this season, we will be studying scriptures from first and second Peter, James, and Jude; With a focus on coming together in unity in the Holy Spirit as living stones, with the wisdom from above, for God’s purposes, in our lives, and together as a group! We welcome all women 18 and above to join us and look forward to meeting you!
DETAILS: Tuesdays, 10:00AM, Ministry Center White Box
LEADERS: Cate Schreiner and Christy Wentz
CONTACT: mcken709@aol.com or christywentz@earthlink.net
*Childcare available upon request
Jesus and Women - In the First Century and Now. Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth - braving jostling crowds just to the edge of his cloak and hear him say, "Take heart, my daughter, your faith has healed you."
DETAILS: Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm, Connection Center conference room
BEGINS: January 15th
LEADER: Claudia Barnish & Mary Smith
In this 7-part series, we'll learn through Ruth how God moves behind the scenes in our lives. On the surface, this book tells the story of two widows and a kind landowner. Even more, it teaches us about God's faithfulness, love, and providence. Walk the journey of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz and discover the devoted love of God and His transformative power in our lives.
DETAILS: Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm, Connection Center
BEGINS: January 23rd
LEADER: Kasey Bier
EMAIL- kassandrabier@gmail.com
Our mission is to equip mothers and anyone interacting with children to install a strong biblical foundation in them. We aim to connect and support each other in teaching children how to defend their faith confidently.
DETAILS: Wednesday’s at 6:30-8:30pm in the Cafe- Childcare provided on request
LEADER: Jackie Brennan
EMAIL: kochmerj@gmail.com
Join us in a 9 wk study for every woman who thinks “I can’t keep pretending everything is fine.” Find your way our of the superficial spirituality and move into a deep meaningful relationship with God.
DETAILS:Wednesday’s from 6:00pm-7:30pm Connection Center
LEADER: Jan Smith
EMAIL- smithjb62@gmail.com
We are a woman’s group who help and support each other in spiritual growth, mentorship, prayer and discipleship. We will be studying the book and video series for The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson
DETAILS: Tuesdays, 6:00 PM, Connection Center
BEGINS: April 23rd LEADER: Kim Wiser
EMAIL: wyndsong41@aol.com
Strength of faith, character, and boldness are shaped in times of adversity, silence, sameness and solitude. Through a 7-session Bible study, we will journey through the life and times of the giants of faith in the Old Testament – Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel - to see how they endured hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. We will explore timeless lessons and what we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.
DETAILS: Every other Wednesdays, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the Connection Center
BEGINS: September 18th. * Childcare provided upon request
LEADER: Cindy Legg & Julie Bailley
EMAIL: cindy@inspired-success.com. or juliegbailey@gmail.com
Join us in a study by Priscilla Shirer called The Armor of God. This study will equip women to get serious, specific and strategic prayer. Study runs for 7 weeks.
DETAILS: Thursdays 10am-12pm, Connection Center
BEGINS: January 16th - Childcare provided upon request
LEADER: Shirley Gardner
EMAIL: fredandshirley@gmail.com
Learning Groups For Men:
Come join fathers of all ages for prayer, fellowship and learning from one another.
DETAILS: Every Thursday’s 7:00pm-9:00pm. Childcare provided.
BEGINS: September 5th
LEADER: Larry Ralph & Scott Primrose EMAIL: teamralphfamily@gmail.com & primetime36@icloud.com
Join us as we learn from Gods’s word and fellowship with each other as we embark on a study of the book of Ephesians.
DETAILS: Mondays, 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Connection Center; barn door room
BEGINS: Sept.9th
LEADERS: Paul Porohnavi EMAIL: paulporohnavi@comcast.net
Our group combines fellowship, in depth Bible study, & prayer; Growing as Christian men to become stronger fathers, better husbands, and faithful servants to our church.
DETAILS: Tuesdays, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, 516 Fauquier Rd, Warrenton, VA
BEGINS: Ongoing
LEADER: Fred Gardner EMAIL: fredandshirley@gmail.com, (540) 272-1037
We want to hear about it!