Why connect? We believe when people participate in ministry together through Connection Groups and volunteer opportunities, exciting things happen! That’s why we invite you and your family to connect with us at The Bridge Community Church.
Why connect? We believe when people participate in ministry together through Connection Groups and volunteer opportunities, exciting things happen! That’s why we invite you and your family to connect with us at The Bridge Community Church.
Online Groups
My Father’s Eyes : Capturing His Love Through Your Lens
Each week, a new Bible verse will be posted on our Facebook page.
Read it, roll it around in your head and ask God to “open the eyes of your heart.” Take some time to find that perfect moment in the week to capture what His Words mean to you through the lens of your camera.
DETAILS: An online FACEBOOK group
LEADER: Melinda James and Bethanne Runyan
CONTACT: bethannerunyan@gmail.com
The purpose of this group is for ladies to support each other through prayer and encouragement as we journey the road of illness & pain. To join this women’s only support group simply search The Bridge Community Church Chronic Hope Support Group on Facebook and request to join.
DETAILS: An online closed Facebook group
LEADERS: Marjie Primrose + Debbie Cosco + Linda Spencer
EMAIL: marjie16@comcast.net or dcosco486@gmail.com or jlspencer@juno.com
This is a FACEBOOK group that will provide a short devotional, a Scripture and a prayer for each day! A great way to begin every day! To join this public group, simply search Devotions with Becky on Facebook and click Join Group.
DETAILS: In the morning, daily.
BEGINS: Ongoing
LEADER: Becky Pucher
CONTACT: joycord1@aol.com
The Bridge wants to help everyone stay connected by praying for one another & helping with needs. This format will be on Facebook on a private group page. You can post prayer request & needs once you have joined the group. Simply click below & request to join the group.
We want to hear about it!