Non-Cash Giving FAQs

Why should I donate stock or crypto?

Make an impact by donating stock. We've partnered with Overflow to make donating stock, even just one share, quick, easy, and secure. Plus, you could save up to 20%* in capital gains taxes and up to 37%** in federal income taxes when itemizing deductions based on your tax bracket and the charitable donation value of your gift. To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, including potential state tax savings, please consult with your tax professional for information about your personal tax implications.

Who is Overflow?
How do I donate via Overflow?
What can I expect after I submit my donation?
Is it safe to connect my brokerage and/or bank account to Overflow?
What types of shares can I donate?
Can I donate international gifts?
Can I give through my 401K or IRA?
Can I give company stock outside the trading window?
Does Overflow support gifts from my brokerage account?